Welcome to Muhyideen College of Education, Ilorin

Welcome to Muhyideen College of Education, Ilorin

Bismi lahi rahmani rahim In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, most Merciful


Welcome to Muhyideen College of Education, Ilorin

The Muhyideen College of Education, Ilorin was established by edict 21 of 2005 issued by the Muhyideen Association of Nigeria. Its purpose is to organize and develop courses for the training of various . categories of teachers, to promote research, and advance knowledge and learning as well as offer community services.

The College has a Governing Council, made up of eleven members. The council is responsible for general supervision and control of the College.

There is a Provost for the College. He is the administrative and academic head of the College. He is responsible for the execution of policy decisions of the council. The Provost is assisted by a Deputy Provost, appointed by the Governing Council.

Our Philosophy

The College was established to prepare and produce the much needed middle level manpower in the teaching cadre. The graduates of the college will provide qualitative and quantitative education, good morals to pupils in the primary schools and students in the junior secondary Schools.

Objectives & Physical Development

To motivate both the staff and the students of the College, the motto adopted by the College is Knowledge is everybody's right.

Muhyideen College of Education, Ilorin is a private institution located in Kulende area, in the eastern outskirts of Ilorin metropolis. The College occupies a site which extends from a distance from Kulende Housing Estate to the North - South Railway.

Co-Curricular Activities

The college encourages co-curricular activities by students. These activities include student's unionism, games, sporting activities, debates, cultural activities and the like. The Students Union is supervised by the Deputy Provost.

The Proprietor

The founder of the Muhyideen Association of Nigeria and the proprietor of the College is Sheikh Abdulla Jibril lmam Sahban.

Sheikh Sahban started his adult life as a successful trader in various commodities. By the late 1950s he abandoned his lucrative business to start working towards providing opportunities for educating both the young and the old. This was why he established a Women Adult Education Centre, which now has branches in various parts of Ilorin metropolis. Prominent women including some women commissioners benefited from these centers. Alhaji (Sheikh) Sahban later blended his Quranic Education with western education with the establishment of Nursery/Primary Schools which are still functioning today. He later added the College of Arabic and Islamic Studies offering virtually all the subjects being offered by other public colleges. Next, he also established the Muhyideen Secondary School in Ilorin which has been taken over by the State Government, and a Grade 2 Teachers College. This has been phased out in line with the Federal Government policy for Teachers' Colleges.

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Our Awesome Teachers


Rohan JonsonAssociate Professor

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Ian HarveyWeb Programmer

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Lusfat RomanSoftware Engineer

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Nalpamb BoldJS Developer

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Upcoming Events

05 June 2018 12.00-5.00PM

Freshers Day Reception 2018

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03 July 2018 03.20-5.20PM

Best Student Award 2018

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15 Dec 2018 12.30-5.30PM

Student Workshop

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Enrolled Students








Abdullah Abdurrahman



Yusuf Y. Olatunji



Abdullah Abdurrahman



Yusuf Y. Olatunji
